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发布时间:2016-11-23 11:31      分享:

ICIAM intelligencer

Tao Kang and Song Jiang (eds)

1.Welcome Message to ICIAM 2015,Barbara Lee Keyfitz

2.Welcome Letter from Congress Director, Lei Guo

3.Multiscale Variational Imaging, Martin Burger and Stanley Osher

4.The Year Combinatorics Blossomed, William Cook, Martin Grötschel and Alexander Schrijver

5.Uncertainty Quantification for Partial Differential Equations with Stochastic Coefficients, M. Gunzburger and C. Webster

6.Operations Research and its Development in China, Xiaodong Hu

7.Industrial and Applied Mathematics in China, Tatsien Li

8.A Hydrodynamic Pilot-Wave: When Classical Visits Quantum Mechanics, Andre Nachbin

9.Mathematics For Industry: A Personal Perspective, John Stockie

10.A Tentative Comparative Study of the Development of Mathematics in Ancient China and Ancient Greece, Wen-Tsun Wu

11.Mathematical Modeling Education in China, Jinxing Xie

12.Beijing, Modern Continuation of a Glorious Past

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